Ready to Quit

Season 3 - Episode 13

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Could it get any worse? One thing after another is breaking; we can't go on like this much longer. We are surrounded by incredible natural beauty and wonderful people but the frustration we feel at the moment is overwhelming. We are ready to quit.

Why is Everyone Yelling?

Season 3 - Episode 14

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

In our opinion the middle Exuma islands in the Bahamas are the jewels of the island nation. The scenery and the people are amazing. In this episode we leave Warderick Wells for Big Major and Staniel Cay. The Big Major anchorage has room for more than 100 boats and is known for Pig Beach, a small beach where tourists flock to swim with the pigs. Staniel Cay is where we found the Thunderball Grotto, named after the 1965 James Bond movie, partially filmed there. Then it was off to Black Point Settlement where we stumbled into a three-day free party. We will be forever thankful for the incredible hospitality we felt on Black Point.

Swimming with Sharks

Season 3 - Episode 15

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

The nature in the Exumas is stunning. On land and in the sea, we are surrounded by beauty, and sometimes danger. Sharks are at the docks, by the reefs, and circling our boat. On more than one occasion we have found ourselves swimming with them. We try our best to keep our distance and to leave them alone, hoping that they'll do the same.

Stuck in Paradise

Season 3 - Episode 16

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

We've been stuck in paradise for over two weeks now. Strong winds have conspired with high waves to hold us down, we can't leave. But what an amazing place to be stuck. We're on a mooring ball by Cambridge Cay, part of the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. It is without a doubt the prettiest place we have ever been. We snorkeled at the aquarium, explored nearby islands, and hiked the trails and cliffs of this beautiful Land and Sea Park treasure.

Mission Accomplished

Season 3 - Episode 17

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Mission accomplished! We made it to Great Harbour Cay Marina and into the famous Great Harbour Cay hurricane hole before the storm. Gale force winds were predicted for the Berry Islands but fortunately for us we were in the upper Exume Cays and only a couple days sail from Great Harbour when we heard about the storm.

We stayed in the Berrys for one week prior to leaving for Bimini. Before we left and just prior to the storm we went searching for the famous caves on the eastern shore of Great Harbour Cay. They're not easy to locate but we did find them, and we'll show you where they are.

Bimini Blues and Dodging Giant Tankers

Season 3 - Episode 18

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Bimini is perhaps the most renowned and frequently visited among the Bahamian islands. It's a brief two-hour ferry ride away from the U.S. Yet, we delved deeper into its hidden treasures. We explored a side of Bimini that often eludes most tourists. Our journey led us to the Thirsty Turtle, touted as the world's finest pizza joint. Bimini also marked our final stop of our six-month journey through the Bahamas. Soon, we would be embarking on the daunting return trip across the Gulf Stream, maneuvering through its treacherous waters and dodging towering tankers bound for Florida.

Rookie Sailors Crossing the Atlantic: Asset or Liability?

Season 4 - Episode 1

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

After several weeks preparing ourselves for the crossing we are finally underway. Our first stop will be the island of Bermuda, six days sailing to the east. On the way we'll deal with seasickness, night watches, and a lack of wind. Will we make Bermuda? Come along to find out.

Atlantic Crossing,

Exploring Bermuda

Season 4 - Episode 2

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Bermuda is our first stop after leaving Florida. Six days sailing to get here. The island is covered with history and beauty. We'll explore some of it in this episode.

Should We Abandon Ship?

Season 4 - Episode 3

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Should we abandon ship? We're in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, midway between Bermuda and the Azores with no power. No electronics, no lights and no auto pilot. Will the tankers be able to see us at night? Can we avoid them?

Dinghy Disaster

Season 4 - Episode 4

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

We lost our dinghy in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean crossing from Florida to Portugal. Most sailboats don't hoist their dinghy on davits while sailing across the Atlantic. The seas can be rough and can easily swamp a dinghy, weighing down and snapping off the davits. Just the weight of the dinghy bouncing up and down with each wave or swell can also be deadly for the davits.

Broken and Stuck Blocking the Ferry

Season 4 - Episode 5

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

We're broken and stuck blocking the ferry, and the ferry isn't slowing down. The harbor at Horta in the Azores is crowded. Most boats crossing the Atlantic west to east stop here for previsions or repairs. Our boat needs both. But first we need to get our anchor off the bottom. The problem seems to be the windlass. Captain Frank apparently has experience with this because he quickly pulled apart the switch and cut the insulating material off both wires and instructed Monica to hold the bare wires together. Is that safe? We'll find out soon enough because the alternative is getting run over by the fast-approaching ferry. Yikes!

7 Reasons to Visit the Azores

Season 4 - Episode 6

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Have you ever wondered what the Azores are like, have you ever considered a visit to these lush, green islands but haven't made the commitment. Watch this video for the seven reasons that you definitely should go. And stay tuned until the end for some extra tips and information that we wish we had known before we landed there.

Hiking in a Volcano

Season 4 - Episode 7

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

Our journey to the Azores wasn't planned with hiking in mind. We sailed in, expecting a brief stay. However, fate had other plans; the sailboat needed major repairs, stranding us in Horta for two weeks. With no plans, we turned to hiking. Eager to escape the confines of our leaky boat after an 18-day voyage from Bermuda, we embraced the opportunity to explore. Join us as we venture into the caldera of an ancient volcano.

Exhausted Crew Rescued After 34-Days of Misery at Sea

Season 4 - Episode 8

On this episode of Yard 2 Yacht:

What started as a hopeful plan to sail the 61-foot ketch Rosa Del Mar from Cape Canaveral to Spain by way of Bermuda and the Azores ended up as a 34-day life-threatening nightmare. Our leaky boat suffered equipment failures on the first day of the journey. On this ill-fated Atlantic crossing we had to cut our dinghy loose to save the ship, our mainsail never functioned, our navigation lights went dark, our batteries died, our bilge alarms constantly screamed that we were taking on water, but our bilge pumps didn't work. Finally our watery fuel stopped both our engine and our generator for good, 200 miles from the coast of Portugal.

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